What is Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a journey of the mind, usually in a deeply relaxed state, which leads to another time and another place, in another life the soul has experienced in the past.

Memories of past life experience(s) are stored in the subconscious mind and are known as past life memories.

Past lives interconnect with the current life, such that experiences from past lives influence our emotions, actions and choices of the present life.

Doing a Past Life Regression can provide insights and information into present life experiences and often offer a solution or understanding to the presenting issue.

Past Life Regression may be useful to explore:

  • Anger problems
  • depression
  • fear
  • panic- attacks
  • recurring nightmares
  • self harming
  • stress, phobias
  • anxiety
  • weight management
  • fear of dying
  • loneliness…….etc.
  • For any emotional, mental or physical problem
  • For interest/ curiosity or self-discovery.
  • It can also help release some chronic pain or illness.

Healing the past can heal the present and future.

By accessing our past lives we can see the patterns that exist beyond the present.

By uncovering patterns of behaviour in our past we can break the cycle of physical and psychological pain/distress.

By understanding its source we can let it go, enabling us to move beyond what is blocking us in our present life.

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Why don´t you try it?

  • It might give sense of your life’s purpose.
  • A greater perspective of who you are and who you could be.
  • Insights about your relationships and connection with people in your life.
  • Finally bringing understanding about unexplained patterns, behavious or fears in this life.
  • It might bring you great  joy into your present life connecting with Spirit and your Higher-Self 
  • Help explain the unexplainable!
  • Find your true self!